Growing up in one of the planet’s most biodiverse and culturally-diverse nations, I was lucky: I was allowed to roam and discover, to immerse my curious self in my surroundings. Nature got under my skin, unconsciously, magically. But I was also lucky to be taught to value and appreciate the natural world, with its infinite variety, incredible ingenuity, sublime simplicity.
Over the years, my work has led me to travel across six continents, with a passion for capturing the essence of the cultures and natural worlds I encounter, while also keenly aware of the inner journey one experiences, the insights and perspectives one acquires that nourish our lives in unexpected and remarkable ways.
My photographic work is both a very personal, silent endeavour to retain my childlike feeling of awe for that world, our world, and a passionate cry for us all to respect, treasure and cherish it.
I hope you’ll enjoy your visit to my site. Thank you for taking the time to see the world through my eyes, if briefly.